About Me
Weaving Fabulous Fibers and Creating Art in Metal
I came of age at the end of the 1960’s ~~~ when an element of “adornment” was a part if everyday life. Our wardrobes consisted of old and new, basics and some flamboyant treasures. The Whole Earth Catalog showed us the path….. to where? And for more than fifty years I’ve been “making things”. Mostly I find they are the kind of pieces I have always thought to be the “flamboyant treasures” of my past. They are pieces that can transform the basics of our everyday style and lives.
Today I am flooded daily with more ideas and inspiration than time! I’m so fortunate to have a studio filled with wonderful yarn, wire and beads, as well as the tools I need to realize my dreams…
And that’s where you’ll find me most days… in my studio; Designing, Creating…. Weaving.
I hope you find as much joy in my work as I do! I’m happy to share it with you.
“Textiles and metals are unlikely companions, but for me, they complement each other and stir my creativity.”